Most will have definitely heard about web hosting or web hosting in Greek as the term has prevailed. But few of you would have imagined that the ranking of your website in the first places of the search engines is directly related and depends on the hosting of your website.It may come as a surprise to some, but Google 's ranking algorithm is specific and despite the dozens of changes that can be made each week , even today it takes into account the server that hosts your website.
What is web hosting?
web hosting is an online service that allows individuals and companies to have a website constantly posted on the Internet, without having to incur the cost of such equipment (eg servers ) or the need for a large service number of external connections and bandwidth . This assume the hosting company ( web hosts ) that provide space on the server as part of their network connection.
The term Web Hosting refers to the process by which the owner of a website rents space on computers (servers) to place his files or his e-mail. These files, which characterize his website, are offered through a secure network of uninterrupted supply to visitors.The management of a website by its owner can be done through remote connection programs or from the web browser through access to a control panel (control panel), which allows the management of emails, files, statistics website traffic, installed applications and available technologies etc.The site owner can upload his files via a program (FTP client) to the hosting server, manage email accounts and install the desired web applications on his site ( blog / blog, forum, guestbook, etc. ). Some of these hosting controls are Plesk, Cpanel, Webmin and more.
From the beginning of the 90's many companies started to be active in the field of hosting, as the need for a stable and continuous online presence began to become imperative. In the 2000s the web hosting industry flourished first in the USA. and then in Europe, following the high demand for hosting services from individuals and businesses, to host their website. Today, the relative decline in interest in web hosting is evident.
What are the characteristics of proper web hosting
The downtime time is not only enough for your website to be credible but also to get to the first page of the search engines. You should look at other quality features of web hosting before choosing a hosting company for your website or before moving your website from one hosting company to another.Here are some things to look for when selecting yours.
Automatic backup and restore process at the hosting level through the admin center and not through your website
This will save you a lot of resources and processing power from getting manual backups or with an automatic add-on or script that backs up.
Managed php.ini file
This means that it is accessible to you to configure it as you wish. Too many servers are unable to run all the applications a website has and especially in the case of WordPress it would be wise to be able to customize it.
Powerful and scalable processing power, RAM and resources
Over 1 gb ram is very good for a hosting package and of course to have a powerful processor when using a shared hosting package.
Zero downtime
A little difficult to find since even the cloud servers are falling but your logic should be that the time that your server can stay online should tend to 100%.
Don't worry if you have to pay a few euros more. There is nothing worse than a server constantly crashing or being in time out and every three or five you should contact the hosting company's call center which will be busy.
Linux hosting
The Windows servers are unnecessary for any site is not made in ASP technology. ASP technology has been abandoned nowadays because it has outgrown both the technology and the cost of the corresponding PHP open source programming language.
The reason that a Windows server is unprofitable but also technologically incompatible with a dynamic website in PHP is because it involves the unbalanced factor called Billy Gates, which is very costly and code-free.
The linux servers are more stable, they need fewer requirements to run properly (less RAM, smaller CPUs) and naturally come without software license fees (the Billy Gates who say the Mirosoft).
Web hosting for WordPress sites
If you already have a website in WordPress or are planning to create a website in WordPress , which I consider the most correct solution today when it comes to website design or eshop building, you should pay attention to a few things in choosing the right web hosting package for WordPress site your.
First you should know that there is a difference from hosting to hosting and there are web hosting companies in Greece that provide web hosting programs for sites in WordPress.Because WordPress has some peculiarities compared to a common site, hosting companies that support websites in WordPress also have the corresponding section for WordPress with specialized technicians such as TopHost .
Expertise in WordPress is very important because if you encounter any difficulty with an add-on or there is some incompatibility on your WordPress site, the first one to understand and notify you will probably be the support department of the hosting company.
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