Thursday, February 7, 2019

Wordpress Clickfunnels Integration Plugin

Wordpress Clickfunnels Integration Plugin

So is it better to use Clickfunnels or Wordpress or for Lead Capture Pages and Funnels?

I’ve been using Both for a long period of time, there are pro’s & con’s to both but I LOVE BOTH and will definitely continue to do so.

With the WordPress Clickfunnels integration plugin ,you can easily marry Clickfunnels to work with your WordPress website.

In this video, I’m gonna show you how to install the ClickFunnels plugin, integrate it with your Clickfunnels API and create a page inside your WordPress website that connects to the lead capture page that you created inside of Clickfunnels.
I will also show you how you can create a home page in Clickfunnels that you can use as your blogs home page where you can link to different funnels within your business.

Doing this makes it look like your Clickfunnels lead capture page is actually a page inside your authority website, which I love.

If you like this video or get any value from it please leave a comment below and make sure to like this video and subscribe to my channel!


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